Defining the culture of Hoogvliet
Commissioned by the International Building Exhibition, Rotterdam, Hoogvliet: WIMBY (Welcome Into My BackYard)

Lino Hellings was a guest in this garden city built in the fifties, which awaits a major rebuild the coming ten years. As a detective she looked, smelled and listened to urban life on her strolls in the neighbourhood. In the shape of postcards to imaginary friends in the rest of the country, she reported her findings.

Hoogvliet Highway

Dear Jaap Hoogvliet looks like a collage of loosely glued together maps from differents decades, yes even centuries.

Hoogvliet Shop.

Dear Annemiek, In the shoppingmall restaurant, which looks like a livingroom, I see people , drinking coffee with a kingsize shopping trolley next to their table. When I was young I did have these kind of nightmares: how to leave a huge shop unseen while standing in the middle of it with my bicycle at hand.

Hoogvliet School

Dear Mine, I was really touched by uncle John, a national hero who helps with his boxing school disorientated young people to find back their way in Society. Here the strength of Hoogvliet : the club culture and feeling of togetherness flourishes. Uncle John brakes down the borders which keep the club feeling in Hoogvliet emprisoned in that particular district, the culture of heritage or even a few families.

Hoogvliet Nature

Dear Michiel The lights of the industry disturb one person; for the other it means home. The people of WiMBY talk about the surreal beauty of Hoogvliet

For full report see: http://www.wimby.nl : Hoogvliet door de ogen, neus en oren van een Amsterdammer.

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