SAN PEDRO Wilnis 2006

>I knitted a cactus for this neigbourhood.
It is two and a half year after my first visit to this - many - meters - under - sea - level new neigbourhood. I designed a cactus in a pot for the little landscape with a mini roundabout, foot - and bicyclepathes in between the three elementary schools. San Pedro is the name of this cactus according to the South American habit to plant a cactus near your front door. It brings happiness, prosperity and keeps unwanted visitors at a distance. Here it guards the door to the neighbourhood as Saint Peter does in heaven.


  < Will it fit?
One month of knitting and the skin of the cactus is ready. As Ellen was making the shape in roofmate (a kind of foam) at the same time it was quite an adventure. Will it fit?
It fits and looks just as I imagined. The counting with the calculator to make decreases and increases at the right spots worked out, as did the year of experimenting with knittingstiches, sizes of pens and different materials. The ladies of the knitting shop work hard to solve my questions. The material should be able to soak the wax, needed to make a mould for the bronze.
> The job is finished.
While we were installing the work on the spot I saw the passing citizens in cars or on the bicycle show the reactions of amazement in the way I like it. The cactus does not ask for much attention as I designed the colour, size and form in a way it completely fits in the environment. Only the moment you are half way passing it, it catches the eye. Like a fata morgana.
Today, the 31 of october 2006 is the official opening. The 600 school children will all get a small cactus and a guideline to knit their own cactus the way I have done it. Photo Rob van Maanen.


< Good Luck San Pedro, take care of these people.
It is a hard life for bronze in public space nowadays. This toiletpaper dress is a mild way to give attention to the sculpture. The neigbours watch San Pedro. They like the sculpture and take care as does the council.